Scientific Research Services for JAX Faculty
Viral Vector Core
Viral vectors are effective tools for transferring a gene of interest into cells for transient or permanent expression. The Viral Vector Core (VVC) serves the JAX scientific community with the production of high-titer viral vector preparations, including but not limited to lentivirus, retrovirus, adeno and adeno-associated viral vectors and CRISPR/Cas9 related viral vector needs. Work performed in the VVC includes growth and maintenance of packaging cell lines, transfection of packaging cell lines, concentration of viral preparations, titer determination of viral stocks, in vitro and in vivo experiments using viral vectors. In addition, the VVC provides consultation for experimental design, viral vector plasmid construction, protocol development, user training, and oversight of the VVC facilities and stocks. In addition to VVC lab, additional space is also available for JAX staff to perform their own experiments within our BSL-2 level facility.
VVC instrumentation includes BSL-2 laminar flow hoods, cell culture incubators, microscopes, and centrifuges. We have a new WX-90 Ultracentrifuge with several rotor configurations to meet a wide range of purification and concentration options. These include the Surespin 630 (6X36 ml) rotor, the TH-641 (6X13.2 ml), the TH-660 (6X4.4 ml) rotor, and the T-890 fixed angle rotor (8X12.5 ml). We also have an EVOS FL fluorescent microscope with DAPI, GFP, and Texas Red light cubes. This device is easy to use and has software for automated cell counting (such as GFP-transfection efficiency).
All experiments involving viral vectors require Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) approval regardless of whether the VVC produces virus for work in your own lab or performs experiments for you. In addition, ACUC approval is required if the work involves animal models. We urge investigators to contact the VVC and/or the JAX Biosafety officer for assistance in IBC and/or ACUC submissions well in advance of when you need your experiment to begin. We can help you suggest an appropriate Biosafety level for your experiment, although the final Biosafety level will be set by the IBC. It is the responsibility of the investigator to ensure that all approvals are in place prior to beginning an experiment or receiving virus from the VVC, and that the investigator s laboratory and animal housing meets the requirements of the Biosafety level set by the IBC.